Is it a coincidence? As I wind down for the evening, turn on cable TV and seek my nightly vegetative state of mind, I can't help noticing how many programs are related to mankind's demise! Television these days seems to be plethora of armageddon movies, dramas and reality programs based on impending chaos or survival. Is it because fear sells? Do we get pleasure from a fantasy induced paranoia? Are we becoming a dark minded society? Or is there something that everyone seems to be sensing and feeling in regards to our potential destruction?
Let's get down to brass tax.... If there was an impending doom, would our government let us know? My non-expert opinion would say...That depends! After an exhaustive look into the potential pending dooms that the human race faces, I decided to list them below with links to an article supporting that scenario.
1. Total Financial Collapse:
2. Global Pandemic:
(Credible Source)
3. Meteorite Shower or Asteroid Impact:
4. Climate Change:
(Credible Source)
5. Nuclear War or Worldwide Terrorism:
(Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu)
6. Large Hadron Collider (Quantum Zeno, Big Bang, or Strange Matter): (6)
These 6 examples seem to be the most common sense driven scenarios, (Sorry Alien invasion theorists). Of these scenarios the financial collapse seems like the most likely in my non-expert opinion. Upon doing some research, and struggling to follow the explanation of the inner workings at LHC, there seems to be a feeling inside me that number 6 is very troubling and scary.
Who do we have working in this facility? (My thought wanders to a white haired mad scientist that chuckles to himself! One that is more awe inspired by discovery than potential for disaster). This also leads me to another thought in regards to LHC. What is the security detail in place at the Large Hadron Collider? Is there a potential for a terrorist attack that causes the instability of relativistic heavy ion colliders? Please don't explain this to me or I may wish for my demise via black hole.
If the world as we know it comes to an end by way of nature such as an asteroid, then so be it. What I can't handle, what upsets me, is the thought that doom could come by way of stupidity or worse, greed of power.
Whether it's the Trilateral Commission(10), Bilderberg Group(7), or United Nations, most of us have heard or read about the world elites that gather and think tank ideas for world control. There are people that even believe these elites are planning a population thinning. This would definately seem achievable via scenario number 1, 2 or 5. Yet, many of us would not like to think this to be true. Is that because we whole heartedly want to believe mankind to be peace seeking, loving and good natured? I'm not so convinced given our war crazed track record the last few thousand years.
There's much talk these days of people building bunkers and doomsday prepping. Heck, I'm watching a cable program based on that very idea as I type! (Doomsday Preppers) What I think most of us fail to realize is that the government is supposedly building these too; and very fast!
There's no secret to the huge underground seed storing facilities (above) built near the planets poles but what if there are facilities we don't know about. Government officials had lied for years about the existance of Area 51. Is this their only lie? What is the real reason we converted Cheyenne Mountains NORAD operation center into a huge bunker(8)? There must be a reason for these bunkers.
Russia is known to be building underground cities like the highly secret but wildly speculative facility in Yamantau Mountain(11). China has reported and been open about it's construction of a facility that can hold up to 200,000 people(12). There are obviously many more examples and even facilities that are no longer in operation such as Greenbrier Resort(13), but why are we and other countries starting to build massive ones? Where is this funding coming from? If it is the tax payers paying and I being a tax payer; why doesn't that give me a spot inside? Can it be greed even if money will probably become worthless in a catastrophic event?
Now I come to the point of most confusion and the one that raises a lot of eyebrows. The tying of everything together in order to form a conclusion. The term "Big Brother" is not relatively new, yet often not comprehended in its full capacity. Why is the government constantly trying to store information on us? Is it for terrorist tracking purposes? Or could it be for something more? The president now has the authority to make war time and disaster decisions without the approval of congress thanks to the Patriot Act. In the event of a disaster our country will call into action something called Martial Law. Some of you understand this term, some of you have no idea.
Martial Law: The exercise of government and control by military authorities over the civilian population of a designated territory.
To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement. And the writ of Habeas Corpus may be suspended (this writ allows persons who are unlawfully imprisoned to gain freedom through a court proceeding).
Most of us reading this weren't around during World War 2 and have no idea of the concentration camps that the United States had and placed Japanese civilians in. What's more shocking than that is that there are "camps" or detention centers being built all over American soil. Most of these are being built and ran by FEMA. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) So let me get this straight: They manage emergencies and they posess hundreds of detention camps for use during emergency. This is alarming, because why are we spending so much money on this? What does the government forsee?
Fort Leonard Wood, MO (16)
Is it true that FEMA actually has survival planning guides and doomsday prepping lists on their government website? YES! (14) Go to this link! Is there really a section that says to prepare for a solar storm? YES! (15)
Part of me looks at all that I've typed and feels frightened and yet part of me feels empowered. Maybe I won't be a crazed "prepper" that learns to enjoy road kill by practicing racoon recipes, but maybe these so called "preppers" aren't that far off. A lot of red flags are raised and I'm sure that we won't know until the Rapture is upon us. Survival is a natural tendency of humans alike. My family is everything to me and from today moving forward I will prep a little here and there; just in case. I opened discusion with my pops and now will close it with him. My dad said it best, "better to have it and not need it; then to need it and not have it".
Works Cited:
(6). A. Dar, A. De Rujula, U. Heinz, "Will relativistic heavy ion colliders destroy our planet?", Phys. Lett. B470:142-148 (1999) arXiv:hep-ph/9910471
Ok, this is scary and i have read many conspiracy theories, but this is a non-fanatical breakdown and Does tie it together!
ReplyDeleteThey will not tell us impending doom wide spread panic and financial breakdown are Just two. The third is a fight to b king of the hill.. Why do u think NASA has privatized Gspace launching and exploration..?
ReplyDeleteAlso the government is not only five but maybe ten years ahead. ...they let us know and h have onlyWhat They want us too.@
ReplyDeleteIt won't be long its already started just look around you
ReplyDeleteThis guy was dead on! Like a prophet.